…a war declaration, the bird, and a compliment.

Actually, that’s not true. Outside of EVE space, I got some very nice presents, and had an excellent dinner with family.

But when I logged in? Another story.

What to my wondering eye should appear but the following:

Equilibrium L.L.C. has declared war on Ironfleet Towing And Salvage. After 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.

I searched my conscience, and found it free of recent offenses. True, there was a guy who got huffy yesterday over 600 cubic meters of ore:

Tootenh’amon > give me my stuff back plz
Marlenus > I don’t have your stuff?
Tootenh’amon > yes, you do. you took it from my cache
Marlenus > If it was yours, it would be in your cargo hold, or in your warehouse
Tootenh’amon > or in cache in which i store it
Marlenus > You mean, the can you jettisoned it in?
Tootenh’amon > yes
Tootenh’amon > we can resolve it two ways
Marlenus > Jettison = “throw away”
Tootenh’amon > you return me the goods
Tootenh’amon > or…
Marlenus > I’m a salvager, wouldn’t be much profit in returning salvaged goods.
Tootenh’amon > well, fortunately enough, next time when you’ll see you around i’ll know to let you salvage some missiles and plutonium rounds as well.
Marlenus > Do as you see fit, but you might want to have a look at the ironfleet.com corporate blog … others who’ve felt that way have found out that shooting at Ironfleet is a losing proposition.
Tootenh’amon > just skip it, all right? You took my goods. when i shoot you it doesn’t matter if you are allah mc muhammad ali, you go down. beware of our next meeting.

But Toot didn’t really sound war-deccing mad. Better look up the corp info on Equilibrium L.L.C. Brand new corp founded three days ago, interesting. Two members? Curiouser and curiouser. CEO?

Ah. Light dawns on Marble Head (mine, that is.) The CEO is Chebri, she of the unexpected Hound. I wonder why she left AC-ME? Not just so she could come after little old me, surely?

Irrelevant aside: Chebri’s portrait is about as babealicious as EVE portraits get. Look:


My one encounter with Chebri was professional and smack-free, so this war shouldn’t be too unpleasant. Let’s check her bio for clues to current state of mind, shall we?

Pilots that need to die:
-Ore thieves
-Salvage thieves
-Macro Miners
-Macro Ratters

For Shamus Horus and Marlenus

[ASCII art of somebody gesturing with middle finger]

Because they are thieves.

Ugh. Judgmental much?

Apparently the professional politeness Cordus extended me did not reflect the sentiments of the AC-ME rank and file. Sadly, it sounds like Chebri is another Eve player who is not happy unless she’s telling someone “you’re not playing the game right.” Ah, well, it takes all kinds.

So, we’ve covered the war dec and the finger. Where was the compliment?

Well, it’s subtle. But if, as seems likely, AC-ME spun Chebri off into a separate attack-dog corporation to spare themselves and their new alliance (!) the devastating consequences of Ironfleet’s awesome retributional wrath, isn’t that a compliment of sorts? As a low-player-count corp with a stated policy of avoiding the sort of open combat that makes the pew-pew crowd happy, exactly how dangerous did they think we could be?

Sounds like a compliment to me.

Last post I wrote:

For a while after salvaging got formally added to the game, these Dread Gurista wrecks always gave the unbroken salvage parts you use for building Tech II rigs. (Sadly, since a patch many months ago, I have not gotten any salvage of any kind from these wrecks.)

I don’t know whether the long dearth of Tech II salvage was a bug, now fixed after Trinity, or whether I simply had a long run of bad luck. But today I happened upon a Dread Gurista Invader wreck in the roid belts (Thanks, Oregrinder, for not looting or salvaging it) and it had a mix of Tech II and Tech I salvage, including a Micro Circuit.

(My encounter with Oregrinder was fun. After I looted the Dread Gurista wreck, he took offense and started shooting at me with his mining cruiser. So I warp scrambled him and began shooting back. He managed to flee, the hard way, after a long stern chase. Eventually he outran my “helpless hauler” far enough to warp away, but he was well into armor. He never came back for the ore he’d been jettisoning, so of course I had to salvage it.)

Every so often, as all inhabitants of the belts know, the usual belt rat spawn is replaced by a slightly better class of rat. In Caldari space, that means the usual Gurista pirates are replaced by “Dread Gurista” equivalents. It’s quite rare.

The nice thing is, these Dread Guristas drop better loot. They always drop at least one brick of Gurista or Dread Gurista Ammo, usually a copper tag of the appropriate type, and sometimes (rare drop on a rare spawn) a Dread Gurista railgun (equivalent to Navy Issue in most if not all respects). There’s also usually a named module of some sort.

For awhile after salvaging got formally added to the game, these Dread Gurista wrecks always gave the unbroken salvage parts you use for building Tech II rigs. (Sadly, since a patch many months ago, I have not gotten any salvage of any kind from these wrecks.)

All of the above makes a salvager like me careful to watch for Dread Gurista wrecks in the belts. A lot of the miners kill bet rats on autopilot, and don’t know or don’t care that there is sometimes worthwhile loot in the wrecks. That’s great, more for me.

Tonight, however, I saw something odd and inexplicable. There was a Dread Gurista wreck in one of my local belts, and it was white. Instead of the usual yellow/green (don’t ask me, I’m color vision impaired) color of a wreck somebody else killed, it was the white that usually means “wreck from a ship I killed.” Only, I didn’t.

So, I checked the ownership of the wreck. It didn’t have any.

Does anybody know how a belt rat gets wrecked in space without anybody owning the wreck? I’d love to know.

As it happens, the loot table on this one was fully populated:

– Dread Guristas Iron Charge S x1000
– Guristas Bloodclaw Light Missile x1000
– Dread Guristas Copper Tag
– Dread Guristas 125mm Railgun
– ‘Anointed’ I EM Ward Enhancement

Salvage, as usual these days, yielded nothing.

It turns out that it requires precisely five and two/thirds salvos of cruise missiles from my stealth bomber to kaboomski a Hulk.

And therein lies a tale. You want to hear it?

Tough shit, I’m telling it anyway.

The day began with a typical recon sweep of the local belts, to see what flotsam and jetsam might have washed in from the vasty depths of space o’er night. Got all the way to the last belt before spotting anything interesting.

What I spotted was something I have not seen in months: an unescorted Hulk, mining merrily into a whole constellation of jet cans. (Usually these days they are mining into a little-buddy hauler, or warping home with each load, or mining somewhere harder to find, like inside a mission space.)

Now, this Hulk looked fairly crunchy; he was flying a full rack of Vespa IIs to deter entrepreneurs more casual than myself. I’ve tasted those drones and I don’t like the flavor much. But they don’t really threaten a tanked hauler, not in the time it takes to scoop a load. And besides, Hulk pilots with itchy trigger fingers are hard to find. So, the fifty-thousand ISK question: does this Guido carry a warp scrambler?

Uncloak, lock, ship scan. Why, no! No, he does not. Of course, now he knows he’s under scrutiny.

Time to dock and swap ships. No point in taking the Crane, tiny cargo hold that it has; might as well take one of the trusty old cheap Badger IIs.

Come out of warp, bump the Hulk, open the first handy can. Jackpot! It’s full (full!) of Plagioclase. So I shove as much as I can into my Badger, look at the rest, jettison my load, and scoop the rest into my jet can and my cargo hold.

Negative response from the Hulk. Set warp for the hangar. Cogitate.

Combat pilots in EVE like to talk about the game of rock/scissors/paper. I know that every encounter in this game has that character, but I feel it acutely in situations like this. Should I keep hauling ore, while he finds a friend or a tackler who could stop me? Or should I recon his reaction, and respond only once I know how he’s going to react?

He’s in a corp, so friends are likely. But, he’s acting a little bit like a victim, so maybe he’s foolish enough to remove ore from an Ironfleet can? I decide it’s time for a stealth bomber flyby at extreme range. If he’s still there, alone, in the Hulk, I can always bring the haulers back into the game. And if he’s gone for backup, I can react to that, or guard the Ironfleet can. Plus, there’s always a chance he’ll be flashing red when I come out of warp, and then I could drive him away.

While warping back, I decide to check local for any intel it may provide. It sounds like he finally noticed me, anyway:

Cyriakus > Marlenus is stealing out of floating containers watch it
Praxis Medden > Everyone fears being robbed from, yet nobody seems to learn to kepp the ore in the cargo
Lemmy Danger > Kill him :-)
idurai > kill them all!

Sadly, there’s no time to chat with my fan club, because just about then my stealth bomber comes rumbling out of warp. Target: 1 Hulk, 50 clicks off the bow. Flashing red.

Well I be damned, he must have flipped the Ironfleet can. “Cruise missiles away!”

I wonder how many salvos I can hit him with before he warps?

Rumble and thump, rumble and thump. Is this turkey never going to leave?

Rumble and thump, rumble and thump.

As I said up top, he went “Kaboom!” after the first two missiles in salvo number six. If he attempted to warp, I couldn’t tell. Maybe he was AFK, maybe he was humping a roid, I dunno. I do know he stopped long enough to pull in his flight of Vespa IIs. Maybe that was his undoing? He should have had plenty of time, but no:

2007.12.16 18:50:00

Victim: Cyriakus
Alliance: NONE
Corp: CMZ Industrial
Destroyed: Hulk
System: [redacted]
Security: 0.7
Damage Taken: 5915

Involved parties:

Name: Marlenus (laid the final blow)
Security: 1.2
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Ironfleet Towing And Salvage
Ship: Manticore
Weapon: Wrath Cruise Missile
Damage Done: 5915

Destroyed items:

Plagioclase, Qty: 21571 (Cargo)
Scordite Mining Crystal II, Qty: 2 (Cargo)
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal II, Qty: 2 (Cargo)
Veldspar Mining Crystal II, Qty: 2 (Cargo)
Vespa II, Qty: 3 (Drone Bay)
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Modulated Strip Miner II

Dropped items:

Residual Survey Scanner I
Power Diagnostic System I
Scordite Mining Crystal II (Cargo)
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal II (Cargo)
Plagioclase Mining Crystal II, Qty: 3
Veldspar Mining Crystal II (Cargo)
Vespa II, Qty: 2 (Drone Bay)
Modulated Strip Miner II, Qty: 2

Now, the trouble with the stealth bomber is, she’s a wallowing pig (sorry dear, I love you anyway) who will never close all that range in time to get the salvage. I’ve got to warp home and come back with a salvage vessel.

Only the Jovians know what eldritch horror of a revenge ship this Hulk pilot keeps handy, so the salvage run is potential suicide. But who cares? The Tinfoil Salvager is fleet, effective, and she’s a freakin’ Kestral, with Tech 1 mods. A good salvager should never be flying more ship than he needs for the job at hand.

Back I went in the Tinfoil Salvager. Coming out of warp, there he is! He’s flying something that’s flashing red at me, but there’s the wreck. Get busy, close on the wreck, look at him. Condor? He’s in a Condor? His revenge ship is a CONDOR?

No matter, I’m still screwed if he’s tackle fitted, this salvage frigate has four salvagers high and I’m fresh out of half-full Quafe bottles to throw out the pee-bottle ejection port at him. Time to open the wreck, and start stuffing loot in my hold. Meanwhile, he’s locked me up and shooting, and my shield is starting to melt. Cargo hold is full, there’s still salvage but oh well, warp!

Made it out without a scratch on the armor, both Modulated Strip Miner IIs safe aboard. Home, dump, back.

Ah, good, he went away. Grab the rest of the loot, start salvaging the wreck. Nice, a pristine Lorentz Fluid, I do love Tech II wrecks. Whoa boys, here he is flashing red! What’s he flying this time?

Iteron V. Guess he decided it was the ore that matters.

Waitaminit, there’s still a lot of ore here. My day’s work is far from over!

Home again, ship swap again. This time I think the Crane’s the thing — big enough to haul some ore if that’s all I find there, shooty enough to eat an Iteron V if he’s foolish enough to still be there. Which, of course, he won’t be.

Only, he was.

“Scramblers on, boys, and crank up that missile launcher! And Navigator? Don’t forget to follow him, we don’t want him steaming out of scrambler range at an embarrassing 119 meters per second!”

Sure enough, there he goes, trying to outrun my blockade runner. As I drop into his wake and start pounding him open one missile at a time, I hear a funny noise. Sort of a “fweet! fweet!” sound.

Can it be? Can this day possibly get any better? Has this optimist really fitted a popgun on his Iteron V?

Why yes! He has! It’s a hauler duel — my favorite thing ever.

Only, he’s outclassed. I’ve got him outgunned and out-tanked by factors of 10 to 1 or better, so it’s over soon. I never even got to turn on my shield booster:

2007.12.16 19:05:00

Victim: Cyriakus
Alliance: NONE
Corp: CMZ Industrial
Destroyed: Iteron Mark V
System: [redacted]
Security: 0.7
Damage Taken: 4519

Involved parties:

Name: Marlenus (laid the final blow)
Security: 1.2
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Ironfleet Towing And Salvage
Ship: Crane
Weapon: Havoc Heavy Missile
Damage Done: 4519

Destroyed items:

Expanded Cargohold I, Qty: 3
125mm Prototype I Gauss Gun
Salvager I
10MN Afterburner I

Dropped items:

Expanded Cargohold I, Qty: 2
Medium F-S9 Regolith Shield Induction
Plutonium Charge S, Qty: 9
Medium Shield Booster I

And that, boys and girls, was the last I saw of of Cyriakus. Then followed the boring part of a successful salvage op — consolidating all the ore into a couple of Ironfleet cans, waiting for agro to expire, bringing out the B.F. Bustard, and hauling the fruits of the op home to the hangar.

The final haul: roughly a fifth of a million units of Plagioclase ore, a pair of Modulated Strip Miner IIs, a pair of Vespa IIs, a handful of mining crystals, and a small assortment of Tech I mods for the fitting hangar. Not a bad morning’s work, if I say so myself.

Hey ho, Jim Bridger here.

Big Mar tole me about our new friends from ACME, said he stopped by to wave at a mining op tonight and clean up some broken wrecks that was layin about. Left a fat juicy can of ore because he was flyin his fancy salvage frig that he dont want to lose.

Made me smile. Since I got the interdictor, I havnt had time to do much salvage. Got my cheap old fleet of salvage destroyers just gatherin space dust and gettin lonely. So I pulled one out — The good ship “Iron Stick” I think it was, grabbed a bookmark from Mar, and went to have a looksee.

Sure enough, came out of warp next to a fat can. Was right in the middle of a big fat cloud of drones, mix of mining and combat, was a barge and a cruiser and I think a frigate all right on top of me.

Of course Big Mar has paved the way, reputation-wise that is, cause they was all locking me up before I even had time to hitch up my pants or say howdie.

Got down to busness, jetted me a can, put it on the tractor, locked up as many drones as I could, salvaged the drifting ore, and began haulin’ wood out of that clusterfrick.

Overview turned to flashy red, my shields startedto get a smidge melty, and I blazed away for a bit at the drones. Not much joy, not with the ammo I was packin and no webber on board. How about that cruiser? Is he tanked decent, or is this one of them mining cruisers with a thin crunchy outer shell and a tasty cream-filled middle?

“Plinkety plinkety plinkety plinkety plink!”

(That’s the sound of small arty rounds bouncing off the cruiser.)

No joy, time ta go. Cant winnem all, and there’s still a buncha ore in an Ironfleet can, heck we might even keep it if they don’t flip it back right quick, I’ve seen Mar do crazy things with his haulers sometimes.

Then I start to think: How many points of scramble do they got on me? I didnt see any scramble messages, but I wuz busy. Can I warp?

I can warp. Yay!

Docked safe, honked at Big Mar, he sez he’ll go have a look. But, by the time he got there, they stripped our can (or maybe blew it, they dint have long) and went home, nobody and nuthin left but some cans-o-rat-loot. Which he snagged, the way he is about leaving loot behind — so, not a total waste of ammo, just almost.

Today I met my first AC-ME lecturer. Seems Alexandria Phoenix is one of those folks who doesn’t approve of anybody who has a different gaming style than she does, and so she lectures those of us who play differently about our failure to play the game her way. As she puts it (see below) we “need to have things explained and be told how to act.” She must really love pirates!

The people I call “lecturers” are sort of a sub-species of smack talker. They generally don’t resort to profanity or threats, and they limit their insults to the topic at hand — namely, by putting a pejorative name to whatever I’ve done (usually salvaging ore that I did not mine myself) that they disapprove of. They cannot stand to have their pejorative name disputed, and they will argue endlessly in an effort to get me to accept their pejorative language as accurate. Usually (and this time was no exception) they’ll digress into various suggestions about how I should play the game differently — mining my own ore, following “the rules” as they see them, going to more insecure space, whatever.

This particular lecture is worth repeating because, about halfway through, Alexandria bizarrely begins to criticize me for my lack of courtesy, while continuing to insult my gaming preferences in a most discourteous manner:

To set the scene: I’ve warped to zero on a jettisoned cargo can floating near a mining barge that had a few comba drones out. Turns out the can has just a few more veldspar nuggets in it than can fit in my hauler:

21:42:31 Alexandria Pheonix > go away marlenus
[Me scoops a shipload of ore, begins the slow process of warping out.]
21:43:44 Marlenus > Okay!
21:47:57 Emporors Champian > i wanna sing christmas songs
21:48:27 Emporors Champian > and give a little serman
21:48:45 Alexandria Pheonix > i wanna sing anti orethief songs
21:50:33 Alexandria Pheonix > have fun with ur 4000 veld it’ll get u maybe a few thousand

[There’s actually a reason, important to the plot, why I’m flying in a hauler that only has about 5.5k cubic meters of haulage space, but I don’t think Alexandria Phoenix ever realized what that reason was.]

21:52:26 Alexandria Pheonix > how much did u get exactly?
21:53:09 Marlenus > Who counts? A shipload here, a shipload there, it adds up over time.
21:53:49 Alexandria Pheonix > oh well u set me back 20 minutes, its almost like a miner malfunction…
21:54:07 Alexandria Pheonix > /emote shrugs
21:54:30 Marlenus > Not sure how I set anybody back — are you talking to me?
21:54:40 Alexandria Pheonix > yes
21:55:08 Marlenus > Oh, you mean I set back the “how much ore can I throw overboard?” project.
21:55:09 Alexandria Pheonix > u set me back 20 minutes worth of ore…not bad but it’s easily made up, why don’t u get ur own miner or a few miners to mine for u instead of stealing
21:55:24 Marlenus > I don’t steal, I salvage
21:55:40 Alexandria Pheonix > it’s not salvaging if its in a container marked with my name
21:55:49 Alexandria Pheonix > which if you would have looked it is
21:55:49 Marlenus > Why would I mine, when space is full of dangerous free-floating cans that need to be cleaned up?
21:56:14 Marlenus > I say it’s salvaging, you’re welcome to disagree but you won’t get me to change my terminology
21:56:41 Alexandria Pheonix > well at least ur cargo’s small on that ship
21:56:54 Marlenus > Sad but true
21:57:14 Alexandria Pheonix > oh well that means u can’t steal everything from those of us who actually work for a living
21:57:27 Marlenus > Salvage
21:57:44 Alexandria Pheonix > …we already agreed to disagree so i’ll use my term u use urs
21:58:08 Marlenus > Hmm, I missed the bit where we agreed on anything, sorry
21:59:31 Alexandria Pheonix > …don’t say you’re sorry if your not
21:59:44 Alexandria Pheonix > and why would u ‘salavge someone else’s stuff anyway
21:59:53 Alexandria Pheonix > it was afterall someone elses
22:00:03 Marlenus > Deal, if you won’t say I agreed to something I didn’t. Say, you seem to have a fairly stern tone, today.
22:00:19 Alexandria Pheonix > i just don’t like thieves
22:00:26 Marlenus > Ironfleet takes the position that stuff floating loose in space is not owned
22:00:34 Marlenus > So, we don’t see it as taking someone else’s stuff.
22:01:07 Alexandria Pheonix > well u have some messed up ideas, cause my can’s still here and it still belongs to me
22:01:17 Marlenus > And me, I don’t like folks who try to tell other folks how to spend their leisure hours, so I guess we’re about even
22:01:49 Alexandria Pheonix > well if you’ve no courtesy to someone trying to work for a living then you need to have things explained and be told how to act
22:01:56 Alexandria Pheonix > as does a child who acts wrong
22:02:04 Marlenus > Dude, have you forgotten that we are both playing a computer game?
22:02:13 Marlenus > I’m not working, and I’m sorry to hear that you think you are!
22:02:22 Alexandria Pheonix > i’m a girl first off
22:02:31 Marlenus > That was the “declarative” dude, not the gender prescriptive dude.
22:02:43 Marlenus > And it’s funny to hear you speak of courtesy, when you have begun and continued this conversation with … very … little of it.
22:02:44 Alexandria Pheonix > and in this game to earn money you work for it by doing legal tasks
22:03:59 Alexandria Pheonix > i have no courtesy for those who share none with someone who’d spend their time taking a role that is legal to game standards
22:04:03 Alexandria Pheonix > including not stealing
22:04:37 Marlenus > Tis fine that you have no courtesy, but isn’t it a bit odd to complain of missing courtesy in others when you’re deficient your own self?
22:05:09 Alexandria Pheonix > no i’m prefectly courtious to many other players especially those who play by a legal role in the game
22:05:32 Marlenus > LOL, but you asked ME for courtesy while showing me none, that’s raw hypocrisy I’d say.
22:06:01 Alexandria Pheonix > no i’m saying you should show it not asking, just saying you should to those of us who actually try to play by legal game rules
22:06:21 Marlenus > “You dirty thief, you should be more polite to others!”

Sadly, at that moment a snow cloud blew in front of my satellite dish and I lost my connection. So Alexandria got the last word.

Had an exploration success today, tracked down a Radar signature in .7 space that actually had stuff in it. Unfortunately I don’t know enough about invention to know how useful the stuff I got was. It’s got some modest market value, anyway:

1 — Tuning Instructions
3 — User Manual
130 — Electronic Link
58 — Spare Parts

Invention is part of the long term corporate industrial plan, so these will get bunged into the deep storage hangar until we figure out what they are good for.

Wow, has it really been almost five months since I posted here?

Sadly, my gaming time was short this summer, and then recently I got sucked into playing a fair bit of Team Fortress 2. (Look for the Cheese Factory server, it’s run by a friend of mine.) So I haven’t had any good salvage exploits to report.

Tonight, however, I attempted a tricky bit of ore salvage, and got away with the goods, but only by dint of careful preparation. For, you see, I took on a well-defended corporate mining op. Only my extreme caution let me escape alive. I do so hate to lose ships!

These days when I feel like doing a salvage sweep of the belts, I tend to go out in my trusty covert ops frigate. That way, if I find a likely bit of salvage floating loose in a can, I can bookmark the can, then drop right in on it in whatever ship seems best for the conditions and the goods to be salvaged.

Tonight, I found a busy mining op being conducted by the Advanced Combat Machines And Equipment corporation (AC-ME). It was a juicy looking setup (and I choose that word advisedly), featuring two Retriever mining barges, two cruisers with mining lasers burning, and a diverse cloud of mining and combat drones. Ore cans were out and named with well-aged timestamps, no haulers were present, and there was a full buffet with open bar. (Well, no, actually I made that last bit up.)


I’ve had bad luck with multi-vessel mining ops, even fairly undergunned ones like this one. Given time, even a swarm of gnats can lock a fellow down and do him a meanness. So, no combat, no expensive ships, just one quick in-and-out with a well-tanked, well-stabbed, disposable Badger II. Don’t get greedy, don’t get stupid, just haul some ore and move on.

Queue the undocking of the good ship “Iron Extricator”, band playing, crowd cheering, and dockside hookers crying sweetly into their hankies. Without further ado, I drop in on a canful of rich plagioclase.

Actually, it proves not to be full, but it holds more ore than my cheap Badger can carry, so that’s fine. Grab the ore, hit the warp button. It’s about time, too, because somebody I hadn’t seen before is flashing red and locking me.

Geez, I’d forgotten what a pig-dog a Badger II is when it needs to turn. What’s the flashy ship? A Hound?

“Computer, what in the heck is a Hound?”

No answer — not, that is, unless you count the sound of a salvo of cruise missiles hitting me. Fortunately, a skilled and careful mechanic can install a metric shitload of shield extenders on a Badger II.

It turns out, for those of you as didn’t already know this, a Hound is the Minmatar stealth bomber. Also known as potential pwnage on a stick.

Fortunately, I hit warp speed and was gone before a second salvo could land. Mission accomplished without so much as a scratch on the armor.

But seriously, guys: a full-time stealth bomber flying mining overwatch? It’s a great tactic, but nobody actually does it, because nobody can find a bomber pilot patient enough. I am impressed! Sadly, I forgot to note the name of the patient and loyal pilot as I was warping out (in a big hurry).

A very good show by AC-ME, my hat’s off to you all. You came closer to getting me than anybody has in quite a long while.


Update: Of course I had to get greedy.

The time: about an hour and a half later. I log in, jump in the covert ops frigate, and zip out to have a look at the op. It’s down to one (visible) ship now, with several ore cans visible.

Alt tab out, look at the log for the prior encounter. Who was flying that stealth bomber? Looks like Chebri. Is Chebri in system? No.

Go back for the trusty disposable badger. Undock. Warp directly to a can. Geez, it’s got two shiploads in it. Fill my hold. Warp out. Visible response from miner: none. Maybe he didn’t notice? It’s late, could be.

Back for a second load, now that I’m a free target for the whole corp?

Sure, why not? What could possibly go wrong?

Warp in. Looks clear, just the miner. Give the approach command for the can, my “warp to zero” was more like 2.2 klicks this time.

“RED ALERT! RED ALERT! Battlecruiser off the port bow!”

I yam, he said in his best Popeye voice, startin’ to respect these AC-ME boys n’ their deadicashun to protectin’ the ores they done thrown overboards like so much garbaggies.

At which point there is much mashing of the emergency warp button, turning on of the shield booster, and sacrificing of chickens to the Voodoo God of Quick Bugouts.

Warp procedures have commenced, and — hey! — the can’s in range, so let’s get the ore we came for.

At this point I think I’ll let the damage log speak (mostly) for itself:

[ 05:50:07 ] (notify) Autopilot engaged
[ 05:50:10 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:11 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:11 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:11 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:12 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:12 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:16 ] (notify) Autopilot warping to Inoue stargate
[ 05:50:18 ] (warning) You are about to steal items from Shye Hwa. If you continue, Shye Hwa and Shye Hwa’s corporation will be free to attack you!

Are you sure you want to continue?

Er, yes. What’s the downside in this situation?

[ 05:50:22 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:23 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:23 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:24 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:24 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:25 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:34 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:34 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:36 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:36 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:36 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:36 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:44 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:45 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:47 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:47 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:48 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:49 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:56 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:50:57 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.

OK, that’s a downside, but I think it was already incoming before I took the ore (this time).

“Er, Nav? Is there some reason we are still here?”

“Look out the window, Captain. We’re humping an asteroid.”


[ 05:50:59 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:00 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:00 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:01 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:07 ] (notify) Medium Shield Booster I requires 57.6 units of charge. The capacitor has only 49.3 units.

That can’t be good. I guess I’ll keep mashing the shield booster button, maybe I’ll get a few single boosts in while this humping situation resolves itself.

[ 05:51:07 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:09 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:11 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:12 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:13 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:14 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:15 ] (notify) Medium Shield Booster I requires 57.6 units of charge. The capacitor has only 48.3 units.
[ 05:51:19 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:21 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:22 ] (notify) Medium Shield Booster I requires 57.6 units of charge. The capacitor has only 28.6 units.
[ 05:51:23 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:25 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:26 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:27 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.

Just how long can one Badger hump an asteroid? That’s about it for shields. “Nav, you can warp any time!”

[ 05:51:30 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:32 ] (notify) Medium Shield Booster I requires 57.6 units of charge. The capacitor has only 20.4 units.
[ 05:51:33 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 144.0 damage.
[ 05:51:35 ] (combat) Widowmaker Heavy Missile belonging to Deathslovelystar hits you, doing 123.5 damage.
[ 05:51:37 ] (notify) Medium Shield Booster I requires 57.6 units of charge. The capacitor has only 45.8 units.

Warp. At last.

On the bright side, I got home with all the ore. And the armor repair bill was only 2,012 ISK. Only a scratch, only a scratch!

I must remember to send a Giant Secure Container full of whiskey to the shipyard that fitted my shield extenders. They did a fabulous job!

I’ve posted before about cruisers who have tried to punish my favorite salvage transport, to their woe and detriment. However, they’ve usually been Caldari mining cruisers (Osprey), so once I get through their shields, it’s a pretty quick “game over, man.”

Well, my good Crane (with rigs and fancy gear) was parked quite a ways away, so this morning I took out the spare and started fitting it up. Nothing fancy yet, just T1 stuff I had laying around in the hangar, but more than enough to fend off mining barges and hostile bantams who take offense at my attempts to clean up all the jettisoned ore that’s cluttering up the local belts.

First flight out I find a guy, a young player, mining into a jetcan in an Amarr cruiser (Augoror). The hazard to navigation went into my cargo hold, and then I started cleaning up some wrecks that were in the vicinity. Suddenly he’s flashing red to me, and my shield is being tickled with a single light laser beam of some sort.

Oh really? Okay, I’ll play. So I unlimbered the heavy missile launcher and the warp disruptor and went for coffee.

His shields went away quite rapidly, but the armor was another story. My missile would hit, his armor would dent, there would be a pause, his armor repper would hit, we’re back to (close to) where we started. Am I gaining? And is he cap stable with that repper?

He’s in a newbie corp, so there’s no worry about corpmates coming to his rescue. We have all day, and it looks like we are going to need it. I’m thinking, he’s new, he won’t drop any loot, I’ve made my point (don’t shoot at Ironfleet), I could let him go. I think I can get through this armor, but it’s going to take for-freakin-ever, and I’m worried he’ll get an extra rep cycle when I reload the missiles that will put me back to square one.

Then he made his fatal mistake: he smacked.

Gnoam Cahlan: so now what? we just going to sit here forever? Unscramble me you ass

It was the “ass” that killed him. So that’s how it’s gonna be? OK, I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got forever.

Marlenus: Slow and steady wins the race

About six missiles later, it was clear that I was finally gaining. Armor was well below half, and his repper wasn’t firing often enough to bring it back to half.

Last missile in the launcher nicked his structure. Reloading, reloading, reloading — geez, is this crew in a union or something? What a bunch of slugs! Finally, I had missiles back. Alas, he has armor back too.

Three missles later, I’m in structure. Two more, and he’s history. Another victory for the rusty and dented Ironfleet salvage transports!

2007.07.15 20:23

Victim: Gnoam Cahlan
Alliance: NONE
Corp: School of Applied Knowledge
Destroyed: Augoror
System: [redacted]
Security: 0.7

Involved parties:

Name: Marlenus (laid the final blow)
Security: 1.2
Alliance: NONE
Corp: Ironfleet Towing And Salvage
Ship: Crane
Weapon: Havoc Heavy Missile

Destroyed items:

10MN Afterburner I
Medium Armor Repairer I
Miner I
Expanded Cargohold I
Medium Pulse Laser I

Sorry about the lack of updates, my EVE playing has been minimal and mostly consisting of flying support ships for mission-running friends in other corps. Fun, but nothing to report.

Today, however, I cleaned up a little bit of ore I found drifting in space, and got a bit of the usual smacky-smack in local:

MacGyver Miner > you gonna give my shit back marlanus?
Marlenus > If I’ve got it, query how it could possibly be yours?
Abbott4 > yeah wtf marlenus
Abbott4 > stop stealing stuff
Marlenus > Salvage, if you please
Abbott4 > 10k in ore you owe me
Abbott4 > ORe thife
Marlenus > LOL, you jettisoned it into space…
Abbott4 > you stole it
Marlenus > I salvaged it from where I found it drifting aimlessly through the spaceways, a hazard to navigation and a threat to spacecraft everywhere